Help Support the Channel

There are loads of ways to Help Support the Channel, and as We love to put back. You help more people that you will ever know. As almost all of the money that we get from Patreon, Ko-fi and through PayPal.
Goes into developing our App… there are loads of apps out there but none of them do everything that we think is important. So with your help we are making one that does.

The Best Violin Tuner App

For more, check out –

And there are several ways to Support the Channel.

Everyone can support us, the easiest way is to “Subscribe” to our YouTube Channel, and just watch our videos. And if you like them…. Don’t forget to click the “Like Button”, as it shows us that you care.

But if you are in a position to support the channel financially. That realy does help us, so that we can make more videos, more tutorials, more content for you, and everyone.

And as a large number of people use PayPal… if you liked to, you can now send us a one off donation.

Help Support the Channel Patreon

Become a regular supporter, and help us every month

Help Support the Channel Ko-fi

Say Thanks, Buy us a Coffee

Help Support the Channel PayPal

For one off Tips and Support. As little or as much as you like.

Do you shop on Amazons.. ?

Help Support the Channel when you shop
Help Support the Channel when you shop

Did you know?

That if You buy anything off Amazons, after visiting our storfront. even if it’s not music related. we get a commission, at no extra charge to you. Help us out.

check out our stores


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Thank You so much for helping to support the Channel and the Web Site

It really helps us to keep it going.
And it Helps us to create more and more Tutorials for you all to Share and Enjoy.

Cheers the Team at FWMW