Remember me – COCO – Tin Whistle – Play Along Tab Tutorial

Saturday 21st July, 2018

Remember me – Coco – Tin Whistle – Play Along Tab Tutorial

I recently watched the 2017 animated Pixar film, Coco. If you have not seen it, this movie is great fun for the hole family. And as we all seem to love a good animated movie, with strong family values, I figured I do a cover of the main song. The main tune is called “Remember Me”. It’s a nice slow, mellow tune that I thought would be an easy tune to play on the Tin Whistle… so here we go..Remember me – Coco – Tin Whistle

It’s an easy tune, but it does go into the 2nd Octive on the tin whistle. So you might need to practice, but it could be played along very nicely on almost any good tin whistle, by anyone.

I am just learning myself,

and I personally find that it is easier to learn tunes, the ‘Karaoke’ way. Either having an indicator move to the next note. Or more like the ever popular ‘Guitar Hero’ game. With the notes moving across the screen so that you are ready for them. There is a huge benefit to having them in rhythm so you play each note at the right time. I did start making these videos just for myself. But I decided that as I was putting so much effort in to them. It seemed a shame not to share.

So I set up my YouTube Channel and this Blog/Vlog site to keep everyone up to date with my progress, Also for that people could comment and help me, and help others to get better. My aim is to share my mistakes, as much as my ‘lucky’ moments.

I like all sorts of music, from them good Classical tunes, through the oldie Folk tunes and the more modern Folk tunes. And of course the best tunes of now, Rock, Pop, Blues, R&B, the list goes on. If it’s good, and lasted the test of time, hopefully I will get to it.

Have fun….
Fiddling with my Whistle

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Coco Pixar Play Along Remember Me Tab #Tin Whistle Tutorials #Tutorials