Play Along Tab Tutorial

Valse de poeles – Waltz of the stoves – Tin Whistle – Play Along Tab Tutorial

  Valse de poeles or Waltz of the stoves – Tin Whistle – Play Along Tab Tutorial I believe this was written by Simon Riopel. It has been said that he was moving stoves (des poêles) for a whole day. So could hardly move his hands, therefore he wrote this really nice waltz that […]

Quick and Easy Tutorails for the Fiddle and the Tin Whistle

Quick and Easy Tutorails for the Fiddle and the Tin Whistle

I started learning the Tin Whistle (Penney Whistle, Irish Flute) a few years ago, not long after that, I started to learn the Fiddle (Violin), as most of the tunes I was learning to play could be played on both.